
Friday, May 11, 2012

Games and Russians Final Part

There have been courageous examples of changing the Russians with the Chinese or similar. From 2008 to now, if you remember in Homefront. They did had some problems they had to change. But in the game the United States is invaded and you play as a freedom fighter. But before the game was released, the producers behind Homefront had to change some things. It was partly a picture of Kim Jong-il from the opening scene. All texts which were written "deemed malicious two depends eksisterende person" changed to "Northern Leader." and "deemed malicious two depends eksisterende country" to "A Certain Country To The North." North Korea and China didn't like the first part and that is the main reason for the change.

It is as if the Russians have never had a problem with being the bad boys when Hollywood or American developers use them for this. As with the Homefront and the Red River which created a minor international crisis when it used other enemies. Ghost Recon AW2 was not released in Mexico and South Korea because South Korea was at war with itself and North Korea and some dispute with Mexico.

Has the turn come to China. Is it too cliché to use the Russians as enemies? China - a political, economic and ideological rival to the U.S. - seems like a much more logical chosen in future games as the bad boys. For the Games, China is the new Russia - China are the only one that has potential as a rival superpower to the United States and so it is fortunate that China is filled with a lot of communists! The idea of ​​the Homefront is nice enough, but the very idea of ​​a small country like Korea should be able to invade and take over large parts of U.S. territory does not seem realistic. It would seem much more frightening and realistic if it was China and the plot would play out much better.
Maybe it's just me

Finally I found a picture where it is shown how the enemies in the game most often comes from.

So I would like to conclude by reason probably is that In Russia You do not drive the car, but the Car Drives You! ;)

And sorry for the bad grammar.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Games and Russians Part 3

Take for example a very well known shooters like Call of Duty. Yes I know that you also have Russian friends who help and in MW 3 that play a Russian, Yuri, who wishes to kill Markarov.But this is not my point.
I remember well the episode at the airport in Modern Warfare 2 Here the mission was, if you accepted it, to kill civilians in Russia. Fair enough I thought, it sounds very realistic. So lets get to the U.S., a country at war and you are out on the streets. Among the first things I noticed, I missed, was the Civilians. They were gone, not a single ony. There were only military and civilian vehicles that responded to my sharp gaze.Why did Infinity Ward chose to avoid the civilian population in the U.S. but actually made a mission where you had to kill civilians in Russia?
It is as if there are these 3 main nations possessing enemies to our potagonist mostly Russia, Germany (WW2 games) and Arab countries. As for religion it is only Islam that can be evil.
Many of the stories in the games just trying to explain how such a war came along. Battlefield: Bad Company casts a war with the modern Russia without a single explanation of how it could be started. Call of Duty uses a bit of time explaining that it is Russian Ultra-nationalists.In other games the industry try to create a hybrid mixture of example. Frontlines: Fuel of War which has the Western world who fight against the Red Star and the Rogue Warrior also uses the Russians, but mixes them together with North Korea.

Continued in next Blog

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Games and Russians Part 2

Most would probably say that it haven't always been the Russians that were the bad guys. In the period 1990-1998, the Earth was attacked by evil mutants and firms. Cyber ​​Mage and Half-Life are two examples of this. Another is Duke Nukem as most probably know.
But from 1998 to 2003 there were big focuse on making more realistic games. It focussed more on historical events and Russians. Many will probably mention Call of Duty during WW2, Vietnam, Medal of Honor, etc.
The industry tried so slowly to implicate modern historical events with Al-Qaeda from 2002 to about 2006-2010 paragraph. Socom, Special Force, Amry and Two and even Medal of Honor tried on this front
But it seems like the game were too close to reality or it didn't not sold enough.Again the industry went back to the formular that only 3 nationalities are our enemies

Continued in next blog

Monday, May 7, 2012

Games and Russians Part 1

Eventually when playing most games, you experience that very many of them have 1 thing in common. The enemies are always from Russia.What causes this? The cold war is over and we are all well friends?Would it create an international crisis if we made the Germans, Chinese, or a third country as an enemy against the United States? Or will the game not sell as much if it was the US who was the enemy and the Russians who would save the world? There are obviously exceptions, but most of the game being produced sees Russia as something bad.
Is this because the developers grew up during the Cold War and even during the Berlin Wall? There were two world superpowers, the USA and USSR where they both had enough nuke power to destroy the Earth 4-5 times. Instead they chose to help other countries to go to war with each other. USA were made as the good guys, while the USSR wanted to spread darkness and brainwash nations with their communism. You got kids into believing that Communism was the devil's work. You can not just throw 50-60 years of ideology away. But how would a game be if, for example the Swedes were the bad boys? Is it because it would not make sense, and the game will come to seem comical and less realistic compared to if a crazy Russian General went berserk and tried to obtain the world's master judge.

Continued in the next blog

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Mobile games harm consoles

There are harsh conditions in the industry for retail shops at the moment and the reason is quite clear: the console market isunder great pressure from mobiles and free apps.
This says John Schappert, who is one of the heavyweights inthe U.S. games industry: For just a year ago, he was the keyfigure at EA before he headed for Xbox Live, and right now he works at Zynga.

"Traditional gaming is under pressure," he said in an interview with MCV. "If the companies are not ready and still want to live in the traditional world, so can they. But there will only be a few big games every year.

Schappert says that traditional games focus more on core player, which limits their audiences. While game sales fall - in the United Kingdom it is 30 percent lower than last year, and in the U.S. it is 25 percent lower.

"The good news is that while we see the traditional gaming limit, so gaming is growing as a general whole. For me it's a positive message for the entire industry. But I think some people have to change."

Friday, April 27, 2012

Robert Downey JR

You know him from Iron Man, Tropic Thunder, Sherlock Holmes and many more. He is currently 47 years old and one of the popular actors in Hollywood and has a bright future. But not everything was as it seemed. Between 1996 and 2001 he was frequently arrested on drug-related charges. After being released from the California Substance Abuse Treatment Facility and State Prison in 2000, Downey joined the cast of the hit television series Ally McBeal playing the new love interest of Calista Flockhart's title character. His performance was praised and received accolades, but his character was written out when Downey was fired after two drug arrests in late 2000 and early 2001.

Till 2008 he had some minor roles, in movies like Zodiac, Kiss Kiss Bang Bang and even released his debut studio album The Futurist.

 In 2008 he was cast as Iron Man/Tony Stark. The film was a huge succes and he reprised the role in the sequel Iron Man 2 and again in The Avengers and a third film of the planned trilogy, Iron Man 3, due to be released in 2013. A yeah later, in 2009 he starred in the titular lead character in Guy Ritchie's adaptation of Sherlock Holmes, released Christmas 2009. Soon after, Downey won a Golden Globe for that portrayal of the famous detective. He reprised his role as Holmes in Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows, in 2011.

A side note: If you haven't seen The Avengers yet, then what are you waiting for? Order some tickets for today and go watch it!

Robert Jr.

I am planning to talk a but about this ridiculously good actor. More info will follow later tonight and a review about the Avengers

Sunday, April 22, 2012

The Walking Dead

You probably know it as an American post apocalyptic horror. If not, then I will give a short summarization.

Based on the comic book series of the same name, ''The Walking Dead'' tells the story of a small group of survivors living in the aftermath of a zombie apocalypse. Most of the story takes place in the Atlanta metropolitan area, as the survivors search for a safe haven away from the shuffling hordes of predatory zombies (or "walkers," as they are referred to in show) who devour any living thing they catch, and whose bite is infectious to humans. The plot is focused primarily on the dilemmas the group face as they struggle to balance their humanity with their survival.
TL:DR: A tv show about zombies. So now they have chosen to create a video game. The developer will be from Telltale Games. It will be released on the 24st April 2012 and will be released in spearate ensembles that consist of five episodes in total. The Genre will be Adventure/Action and it will not be as typical zombie games such as L4D but more focusing on characterzation and emotion than action.

Friday, April 20, 2012


Today I had my last exam this month. It was Macroeconomics and it went fairly well. I am hoping for the best. Later today I am going out and testing the second prototype I will go into detail in the next blog.As of Monday the school will begin again and it will be both nice and hard. The reason it gets tough is that I'm going to work more than just squandered with my work and  I have done it for so long. That is 1.5 years.I think that I will play some dota 2 and kick some ass. C ya later fellas

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

First Blog

This blog will be on Danish. Later on I will try to make all my blogs in english.

Så har der været 2 CL kampe. Det har været 4 meget stærke hold der har kæmpet mod hinanden. I går spillede Bayern mod Madrid. Kampen var meget tempfyldt fra begge hold, der kæmpede til det sidste. Resultatet 1-1 var på meget længe, men Tyskerne formår altid at overraske de sidste 10 min, hvor de også er farligst. Bayern endte derved med at vinde 2-1 over Madrid.

I dag stod den så mod Chelsea vs Barca. Kampen var desværre ikke lige så spændende som den i  går. Begge hold valgte at spille meget sikkert og defensivt, som vi så under VM 2010. Det endte dog med at Barcalona tabte og som det ser ud nu, så bliver det en finale mellem Bayern og Chelsea.

Men men men... Udekampen for Bayern og Chelsea bliver meget svær. Hverken Madrid eller Barcalona har tabt på hjemmebane endnu. Det kan selvfølgelig vende, men begge hold er top hold i den Spanske Primera Division.
Det vi kan forvente er meget underholdende kampe næste gang og en finale i topbrag.

Jeg skal ikke ligge skjul på at jeg håber på at det bliver en El Clasico.